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brian ember will straight up give you $100 if you can guess the movie his new song samples

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I almost didn’t tell you about this because I want the money and the glory all to myself.  Brian Ember released a new song a few weeks ago — “The Space Between The Notes” is one of the many fantastic songs on the new Free As Birds compilation, dedicated to supporting artists affected by the coronavirus.  It’s a smokey ballad — part noir, part glam.  So good.  

But let me cut to the chase.  

If you can figure out the movie that is being sampled in this song (embedded below), Brian Ember will give you $100.  Take a listen!  You’ll hear a brief snippet of dialog about 2 and a half minutes in, during the trumpet break.  It sounds like a woman whisper in… french?  Ah crap.  This is gonna be tough.  Ember has mentioned that some might find the film to be obscure, but you’ll give it a listen, just to make sure, right?

OK, so here are the rules: you have to post your answer to Brian Ember’s facebook or instagram pages, and you get one guess!  Each guess will be followed-up with a hint, so it pays to keep an eye on his social media, too.  You can learn more about the rules here:

What will I do if I win that cool $100? Spend $10 of it on peanut butter, and the remaining $90 on bandcamp.