the bark list (november 3 – 17, 2021) new music from hellrazor, laura wolf, trey moore, big tuesday, big no, and more!

We're getting ready for Thanksgiving, so we made this Turducken of a Bark List this week, combining two weeks into one!  Normally, I'd apologize for being a week late with…

Continue Readingthe bark list (november 3 – 17, 2021) new music from hellrazor, laura wolf, trey moore, big tuesday, big no, and more!

interview: tonight’s main event, Hellrazor, Heele, and Jobber. three bands enter, but only one band will be left standing

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On this episode of our podcast, we talk with members of Hellrazor, HEELE, and Jobber (Michael Falcone [former Speedy Ortiz, Ovlov], Michael Henss, and Kate Meizner [former Potty Mouth, current…

Continue Readinginterview: tonight’s main event, Hellrazor, Heele, and Jobber. three bands enter, but only one band will be left standing

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