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interview: Glambat can feel god in this Space Ballroom tonight

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Glambat (Em Alderman and John Romano) joined me to talk about their big show at the Space Ballroom this Saturday (7/17) with Mooncha, Naked Lake (PHL), and Comet Pond (MA).  We really delve deep into the psychosocial fabric of making music today, investigation such questions as “Are steamed cheeseburgers good?” and “What happens when one person in the band doesn’t like steamed cheeseburgers?”  

True ctverses stans may know that Glambat was one of the very first bands we ever covered — our first post previewed their EP’s release show at MAC650.  Since that time, the band has shifted its lineup, solidified as a two-piece, played with bands like Deerhoof + Mannequin Pussy + Kississippi, moved to Philadelphia, and moved back to Connecticut.  This episode of the podcast catches them on the eve of recording new songs for an upcoming release.  We talk about those new songs, the high-level conspiracy of being an industry plant (how deep do the clues go?!), and very fast mopeds.  

And, if you listen closely, you’ll hear a demo of their new song “Elm City Jesus”, a song about [you have to hear the episode to find out]!