You are currently viewing MOONCHA’s video for “BLK TEENZ” is an absolute ripper

MOONCHA’s video for “BLK TEENZ” is an absolute ripper

i hope you’ve seen this already.  when i write up a post like this, i have to categorize it before publishing.  coming across the news of MOONCHA’s video for “BLK TEENZ”, i wasn’t sure to go with “new music” — “BLK TEENZ” is indeed a sonic pleasure-blast, but it’s been available for streaming for a few weeks now.  but on the other hand, this video feels like it belongs in the “event” category.  MOONCHA is a new haven icon, much beloved, and since its announcement, everybody has been giddily anticipating the video for “BLK TEENZ”.  well, it’s here, and it easily surpasses the hype.

the video successfully captures all of the energy that MOONCHA Is known for — they’re larger than life, stylish, colorful, and real fuckin’ cool.  watch MOONCHA as they slide into a (literally) kaleidoscopic wonderland, dance down a set of rainbow-colored stairs, and run around a chair with a face.  the song, dedicated to the preservation of self-love and empowerment, couldn’t be a better way to end pride month for 2019.

check out the video for “BLK TEENZ” below and catch up with their ep N/R/G/ on most major streaming services.