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premiere: in this edition of crag-watch, crag mask debuts new double-single, double-video “waver // pacer”

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what’s up cragheads, we’re back with more breaking crag news.  we are very excited to premiere the new song(s) “Waver // Pacer” and its new surreal music video.  and folks, let me tell you: this is not your grandpappy’s Crag Mask.

go ahead and take a listen (embeds are at the bottom of this post).  the song is a fusion of two songs, both with wildly different styles.  check out those fat synth riffs!  check out those gorgeous harmonies!  “Waver // Pacer” is the second song released with the new Crag Mask line-up (with Shy Horner on vox and synths and Quinn Pirie on drums), and it’s a huge, exciting shift from their sound on last year’s Bend.

describing the song, frontcrag Zackery Abramo said: “‘Waver’ is the nice feeling of having all the free time in the world to work on things.  ‘Pacer’ is the awful feeling of having too much time.”  those feelings are represented in the competing styles of each half.  “Waver” features synths more prominently than any previous Crag Mask song to date, and “Pacer” could be mistaken for a track on Loom.  similarly, the music video (edited by Abramo has well) is split with a surreal, black-and-white collage of cameos (“Waver”) and an impressionistic and colorful look back at the past (“Pacer”).  look closely: you’ll see plenty of familiar faces throughout the video.

this won’t be news to anyone who listened to our interview with crag mask back in december, but the band is already working on their third album, the follow-up to Bend.  “Waver // Pacer”, like their last single “Amethyst”, won’t be on the upcoming album.  so, if you are like me and hungry for those songs they’ve previewed in the live shows with Kal Marks or Space Camp, you’re just going to have to hang tight.  “Waver // Pacer” was recorded and mixed by Abramo and mastered by Phil Lord (bass) via Dog Years Studios.