You are currently viewing interview: zeb and shelby from zebvlon talk about christian shoegaze bands, the threat of rivers cuomo, and their new EP

interview: zeb and shelby from zebvlon talk about christian shoegaze bands, the threat of rivers cuomo, and their new EP

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This episode, we interviewed Zeb Mrowka and Shelby Talbot from the band Zebvlon!  A few weeks ago, we premiered their brand new EP, Oil’s Dry, and we followed up with them to talk about it!  Zeb and Shelby both have very interesting points of view and great senses of humor, so this episode was a lot of fun. I got a chance to ask them about their music, the agony and ecstasy of Weezer, what they would do as president(s), and christian shoegaze bands. 

You can find their music on bandcamp and spotify, and if you want to hear that holy grail Zebvlon track — the one they made with some rando from fiverr [listen to the episode to see what I mean!] — message them directly. And if you get a chance, also check out their drummer Jake’s new EP, recorded under the name ‘Blue Park Suites‘ — that record came out this year, and we mentioned it a little in this interview, but I really adore it, too.