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pulsr’s new ep is very good, ok?

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classic good boy Carl Sagan once said that “when you’re in love, you want to tell the world.”  so that’s why i am writing a post about pulsr.  because i’m in love.  i’m telling you, the world, about them.  is that good enough, or do i need to show my work here?

pulsr are a new band, but everyone i know who’s heard them likes them: they played a slew of shows in the second half of 2019, grabbing our attention with their dynamic live sets.  and you may even know some of the folks in pulsr — Josh Merkin plays drums in Waveform*, Drew Collins writes/performs as Sundots, and Jake Fucci played bass with Waveform* as well for a time.  at the beginning of the month, ZH1 released a live session with pulsr, featuring three songs.  and outside of their soundcloud demo, that might’ve been the only semi-official music release they’ve had.  you’ve just had to see them live if you wanted to hear their music. 

but that changed this week when they released The Three* on bandcamp/spotify, their three-song ep.  The Three captures what makes pulsr great, and thank god for that — i don’t have to sit here and be like “nah bro, u gotta see them live to really get it.”  no, you’ll understand when you hear The Three.  recorded with Phil Lord (who also recorded Crag Mask’s Bend), the ep is tight and appropriately muscular: when the music hits, it hits (1:26 in “Shallows” or the opening of “Cross Eyed”).  it’s melancholic, but it feels big — those closely-guarded feelings are blown up to galactic proportions.

the whole thing runs a little over 6 minutes in length, so i know you can fit it into your busy day.   and now that The Three is out, i can begin harassing pulsr for a full-length album because they definitely have enough material for one.  we need those new songs on tape, and i will not rest until “crown” is on spotify.

oh and by the way, it is pronounced “pulse-ar” and not “pulser”, in case you are like me and mispronounced it for six months.

*i’m not sure where they came up with the name “the three”.