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the refectory brings you ‘axe eater studios’, features doom beach in new youtube channel

“i love ct music but i can’t make it to the gig”, you say.  you got your reasons.  maybe you live on the other side of the country.  maybe you can’t leave the house.  or maybe you heard a spooky sound in the cellar, and you’re worried it’s Mungo James, the ancient waterlogged deity who awakens once every twelve years (he came with the place).  don’t worry, The Refectory have got you covered.  they’ve just launched Axe Eater Studios, a new youtube channel where they will feature live performances from their very own DIY space.  the first band up on the channel is Doom Beach, the noisy, abrasive, local favorites.  this six-song setlist features some songs from their Dark Arts record (released earlier this year), but they also have a song you can’t find on that album, “Listener”, that you need to hear/see.  check it out below!

and follow Axe Eater Studios on their youtube channel HERE. (and smash that subscribe button, etc.)